Information for Applicants:
To proceed with your application you must have scanned copies of the following documents:
• Current Full Victorian Drivers License (colour copy of both back and front)
• Five (5) year Demerit Point Extract from VicRoads
• Resume
• A copy of Certificates to support your qualification(s) which you have listed in your Curriculum Vitae (PTO, Diploma Paramedicine, Bachelor Paramedicine, RN1, RN1-CC)
• AHPRA Document (if applicable)
• Current Advanced Resuscitation - HLTAID015
• Driving Component - HLTOUT007 - Transporting NEP under Operational Conditions
• Vaccination / Immunity Record Requirement: (mandatory)
• Measles/Mumps/Rubella – Blood results demonstrating immunity to all three
• Varicella Virus (Chicken Pox) – evidence of 2 Vaccinations PLUS a copy blood results demonstrating immunity to Varicella.
• Hepatitis B – evidence of at least 3 vaccinations PLUS a copy of blood results demonstrating immunity to Hepatitis B
• Pertusis (Whooping Cough) – evidence of your most recent booster of Pertusis containing vaccine within the past 10 years
• Evidence of 3 Covid-19 Vaccinations and evidence of the current year’s Influenza vaccination
> Please supply the Covid-19 & Influenza Digital Certificate.
• Employee Working with Children's Check Card
• Current National Police Check dated within 6 months of application - reason for check: PTO or ATA or RN1 (Ambulance) issued by an accredited body on the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC).
Once you have submitted an application, the process is as follows:
Each step must be successfully completed before proceeding onto the subsequent step.
• The Applicant completes the application form and submits all required documents; preferably via email.
Note: It is understood that sometimes applicants may not have all the required documentation at the time of application. If not, you must be working towards completing and submitting all the required documentation as soon as possible.
• Applicants are shortlisted.
• Interviews are scheduled.
• A driving test, OH&S and stretcher handling assessment are booked.
• Applicants will be assessed after the interview and driving test and if considered suitable will be offered
an Observer Shift with a crew. This is an unpaid shift.
• Referees are checked.
• If both parties wish to continue the next steps are orientation and employment.